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Small Custom Bandannas on!

Everyone loves the handmade look, now you can have it for your dog!

The idea started with a bit of spare time one Saturday afternoon. Pulling out some plain, white fabric, I sought to create something extraordinary. Within two hours I had one of the best dog bandannas on the block, something you couldn't find at a craft fair, much less a pet store. It was an idea I could not keep to myself.
Sewing scissors in hand, I cut out two matching bandannas for both my dog, and a good friend's. While "ooh-ing" and "aww-ing" over the charming letters and design, the idea of a business was mentioned. Instead of passing the thought by, I sought to share my idea.

Now on, you can get your small dog a bandanna that is completely unique. With the beautiful, hand embroidered design, there will never be two bandannas exactly alike. So you never have to doubt the uniqueness of your dog's accessories.

(Above: My dog's BFF bandanna. His friend has one that says "Buster")

Check it out! (especially since they will soon be available to medium, large, and extra large dogs.)

Old Photos // New Post

Yes, these are some old photos I came across and had a little laugh over. I hope you all enjoy them!

Breeze'n along in the car. :)

This one so needs a caption... Let's see...
Hey you with the stick, bring it over here next time.

This had to be, at least, two years ago when Muzzy was just small enough to fit into my brother, Charlie's hood. Can you say, "adorable?"

Aw, this was before we found out I am allergic to kitty cats. Our old cat Avery loved to find his way into tight spaces and this was where we found him one day. 

For one of my birthdays a few years ago, some friends made my one of those "lazy Suzanne" hats. As you can see from the photo, it had the Muzzy seal of approval. :)

Do you have funny pet photos to share? Send them in to and your pet may one day be featured on the blog. 

Andra K.

Diamond Back Cowdog

Little ones, it is time to don your cowboy hats and start dressing the part with our latest bandanna!

I call it the diamond back design and there is only one available.

Speaking of diamond backs...
Although winter is the time for our cold-blooded friends and foes to be asleep in their little homes, you should not just let your put be poking around snake holes. Be sure and keep your dogs safe. Let them roam, but make sure you can see them at all times. 

Keep warm cowdogs!