Old Photos // New Post

Yes, these are some old photos I came across and had a little laugh over. I hope you all enjoy them!

Breeze'n along in the car. :)

This one so needs a caption... Let's see...
Hey you with the stick, bring it over here next time.

This had to be, at least, two years ago when Muzzy was just small enough to fit into my brother, Charlie's hood. Can you say, "adorable?"

Aw, this was before we found out I am allergic to kitty cats. Our old cat Avery loved to find his way into tight spaces and this was where we found him one day. 

For one of my birthdays a few years ago, some friends made my one of those "lazy Suzanne" hats. As you can see from the photo, it had the Muzzy seal of approval. :)

Do you have funny pet photos to share? Send them in to doggydannas@charter.net and your pet may one day be featured on the blog. 

Andra K. 